Facilitated from the MFF Headquarters
2024 Hunts
Facilitated from the MFF Blue Ridge Virginia Chapter
Raven Vukich
Hunting Whitetail or Sitka Deer with Branded Outdoors Outfitter in Maryland.
Aeriana Quinteros
Navarre, Ohio
Southwest Wyoming Elk Hunt
Click here for the story
2024 Hunts
Henick Smith
Austin, Nevada
Southwest Wyoming Elk Hunt
Click here for the story
Duke Smith
Austin, Nevada
Southwest Wyoming Elk Hunt
Click here for the story
Wyatt Lamb
Front Royal, Virginia
Southwest Wyoming Elk Hunt
Click here for the story
Facilitated from the MFF Northeast WY Chapter
Grayson Chapeau
Spearfish, South Dakota
Northeast Wyoming Elk Hunt
Matthew O’Neal
Philadelphia, Mississippi
Northeast Wyoming Antelope Hunt
Click here for the story
Facilitated from the MFF WY 10 Country Chapter
Kaden Achor
Greenfield, Indiana
Southwest Wyoming Elk Hunt
Thomas Evans
Central Wyoming Deer Hunt
The Muley Fanatic Foundation (MFF) has organized a program “Putting the ‘U’ in Hunt” the inception of MFF in 2012. This program is a partnership with the Wyoming Game & Fish Commission to receive Complimentary Commissioner Licenses for youths with life-threatening illnesses. The youth recipients are usually found by word of mouth due to the HIPPA Law. So if you know of a youth that fits the criteria, please have them reach out to MFF immediately @ (307) 875-3133.
MFF will help cover all expenses (for all recipient’s family), license fees, lodging, hunt day food, and hunt day beverages. MFF’s goal is to prevent these youths and their families’ from any burden of expense so it is a stress free experience. Many local businesses and volunteers assist with the hunts to the extent of their willing donation. (Please see sponsors below).
The goal is to achieve a successful hunt and a great experience for these kids. It isn’t a trophy hunt. The best plan is always to provide the best opportunity for each kid with the best shot. The size of the antlers is the last on the agenda, however, if a large animal presents the opportunity, then yes there will be no hesitation to take that trophy.
With the goals set for each hunt, majority of these hunts do not last much longer than 2 days.
Every year the youth hunts have high success rates and create lifelong memories, all due to the assistance of the MFF Southeast Wyoming Chapter in Cheyenne, Pathfinder Ranches, MFF 10 Country Chapter in Riverton WY, Will Dolinar & JT Price with Crossfire Tactical LLC, MFF Southwest Wyoming Chapter in Rock Springs, Jason Faigl with Red Desert Outfitters, Mountainland Supply in Rock Springs WY, Carrico Ranches, and 4 individuals (Josh, Joey, Chris, Janet) from MFF HQ.
Thank you to all that have been supportive of this effort! Words can not be expressed for how much MFF appreciates everyone involved. The experiences of these hunts brings many emotions and unforgettable memories for these and MFF.
If you know of any youth that would qualify for this program, please contact the MFF HQ office @ (307) 875-3133.
Deadline dates to apply are January 1st – March 1st. Below are the qualification for the complimentary Commissioner Licenses.
Section 13. Commissioner Complimentary License for Persons with Life Threatening Illnesses:
Persons twenty (20) years of age or younger (12) with a life-threatening illness and who is sponsored by a nonprofit charitable organization (Muley Fanatic Foundation) whose mission it is to provide opportunities and experiences to persons with life-threatening or serious illnesses. *Recipient must be the age requirement during the time of harvest.
The proper application form will be mailed to the recipient’s address for the information to be completed by recipient/parents/guardians and a section completed by their physician. Following completion, that form must be returned to the MFF HQ (5 E Railroad Ave, Green River WY 82935) by June 30th of the current year.
After MFF receives the completed application, it is double checked, species and hunt area is filled in by MFF, and then mailed to the Wyoming Game & Fish Department with the resident or non-resident license fee. The Wyoming Game & Fish Department will then mail the hunting license(s) to MFF for the recipient to sign and retrieve upon arrival in Wyoming.
The recipient is allowed to hunt 5 days prior to the regulated hunting season open date.
MFF asks the recipient to arrive at least one day prior to the first day of the hunt. MFF will communicate with the parents/guardians for the type of travel and meeting arrangements.
MFF will communicate with the parents/guardians for covering all expenses that is mentioned above.
Taxidermy and meat processing must be communicated with MFF in advance so this can be planned and MFF agrees to cover these expenses as well.
mountain dew is the official drink of the putting the ‘u’ in hunt program.
Thank yoU to our continued supporters.
Video Gallery.
Many videos have been produced in the last few years of these hunts. These were made possible by the volunteer and donated time from Nick Duncombe with 495FILMS and Blake Fegler with 307PURSUIT.