Sponsor Membership OFFER!
Get in now before all 250 are sold! The drawing will take place on the shown date or when when we reach 250.
Get In Now!
A purchase of this digital raffle product will provide an entry into the Muley Fanatic Foundation 200 Gun Raffle. The raffle contains a variety of top-brand firearms, including handguns, rifles, and shotguns in various calibers.
Life Member Only Raffle
Exclusive to MFF Life Members. Only 1000 tickets available. One ticket for $100 or 3 tickets for $200.
Drawing on March 22, 2025 at the Life Members Only Event in conjunction with the 2025 Mule Deer Days. Need not be present to win.
All ticket sales will be verified.
Not a Life Member? Join today and you can enter into the raffle.
Winner of the license can choose to hunt deer, elk, or pronghorn and declare any open hunt area.
Wyoming Elk Hunt
$100 per ticket
Limited to 500 tickets
Ticket sales close March 23 @ 12 pm (MST)
Drawing to follow on March 23, 2025Hunt details:
Species: Elk
Season: 2025 Bow or Rifle
Hunt Area: Area 3, Goshen County
Guide/Outfitting Service: Jared Souza, Turkey Track Outfitters
Number of People Allowed on Hunt: One, the winner of the Commissioner’s Tag
One person may accompany the winning bidder and the guide
Number of Days Access is Granted: Five consecutive days (dates are subject to landowners approval)
4-wheeler/side-by-side use allowed to access the property: Yes, with assistance of the guide
Lodging accommodations: No -
Colorado Statewide Deer License
For the 4th consecutive year, the Muley Fanatic Foundation has been awarded a 2025 Colorado Statewide Deer License to be used in a raffle drawing. The winner of this license will have an opportunity for a "hunt of a lifetime" by being able to hunt deer statewide for an extended period of time. 1749 tickets are available. The drawing will be Sunday April 13, 2025 at 2:00 pm at the Mile High Hunt & Fish Expo in Aurora, Colorado(Need not be present to win). Ticket prices for this raffle are: 1 ticket for $25 or 5 tickets for $100. 25 tickets are the maximum number of tickets that can be purchased by a person according to Colorado law.
* This license allows the raffle winner to harvest one either-sex whitetail or mule deer using any legal method of take (meaning the hunter may use any legal archery, shotgun, rifle, and handgun as defined by the Colorado Parks and Wildlife). The license cannot be transferred to another person.
* For units west of I-25, hunting begins on September 2 and continues through November 30.
* For most units east of I-25, hunting begins on October 1 and continues through December 31.
* The winner must follow all regulations as defined by the Colorado Parks and Wildlife.
* The winner must obtain permission to hunt private land.
* Upon harvest, the hunter must present the animal for inspection at any CPW office within five working days.
* Net proceeds from this fundraising effort are returned to Colorado Parks and Wildlife for use in conservation projects that benefit deer, elk, pronghorn and other wildlife
For tickets or more information contact
Scott Hampel @ (720) 261-6232 or email
Annual Gun Giveaway Calendar
For 2025, the calendar is digital format (click below) allowing higher quality firearms. 138 total guns valued over $190,000 will be drawn during 2025!
By purchasing an entry into the 2025 Annual Gun Calendar Raffle, you will be entered into ALL drawings throughout the calendar year. Once purchased, your name and information has been assigned a number between 0001 and 3500. This will be submitted into the Muley Fanatic Foundation 2025 Gun Calendar database spreadsheet.
See product details for more information.