
A new poll released by Muley Fanatic Foundation shows that a strong majority of Wyoming voters support the Bureau of Land Management (BLM)’s current preferred option for managing public lands in the Greater Little Mountain area, and feel that it strikes an appropriate balance between energy development and conservation, in keeping with a key recommendation from Governor Gordon’s Rock Springs task force.

The survey of 500 voters throughout Wyoming demonstrates strong support for the Bureau of Land Management’s proposal that would allow hunting, fishing, and outdoor recreation in the Greater Little Mountain Area as well as commercial activities, including continuing current oil and gas development but not new leases. Voters consistently side with supporters’ arguments in favor of the proposal, and a majority feels the state can balance energy development with conservation.

Read the full poll results here.

Please use the social guidance below to uplift these findings, demonstrate support for the BLM’s current proposal and urge the BLM to finalize a plan that honors the years of collaboration between local stakeholders, communities, and elected officials, along with the clear wishes of Wyoming voters.


●     Wyoming voters support BLM’s preferred option for Greater Little Mountain and think it is a balanced approach. Overall, 64 percent of voters statewide support the proposal, and roughly the same number (65 percent) say it represents a balanced approach between the goals of protecting wildlife habitat and outdoor recreation areas with energy development.

●     In fact, strong majorities of voters statewide and in the Sweetwater region support every element of the Greater Little Mountain area plan, including no new leases. The survey tested seven different aspects of the Greater Little Mountain area plan and found solid majority support for it, including no new leasing.

●     Support for the plan is durable even after voters hear a simulation of both pro’s and con’s. Most Wyoming voters’ side with supporters of BLM’s preferred option when asked to choose between supporters and opponents arguments on the issue.

●     In general, eight-in-ten voters say it is possible for Wyoming to have energy development while also protecting the most sensitive wildlife habitat (such as Greater Little Mountain), forests, open spaces and streams in the state. Eighty-two percent agree balance can exist, while only 13 percent say we have to choose between the two. This view is evident across party lines and in every region of the state.

●     Governor Gordon should support BLM’s plan for Greater Little Mountain, as it aligns with the key recommendations from his own Rock Springs task force.

Social Guidance

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Amplify the Casper Star Tribune story

Read @CSTribune’s EXCLUSIVE story on a poll released by @MuleyFanatic that found a majority of WY voters are in favor of conserving the Greater Little Mountain Area under @BLMNational’s proposed plan to manage #PublicLands in SW Wyoming. bit.ly/46Cwibb

NEW POLL by @MuleyFanatic shows that Wyoming voters across the political spectrum support @BLMNational’s proposal to protect the Greater Little Mountain Area + treasured fish & wildlife habitat on #PublicLands. Read more in @CSTribune → bit.ly/46Cwibb

General Guidance

🚨 NEW POLL 🚨 Wyoming voters support @BLMNational’s preferred option for Greater Little Mountain, and say it balances protecting wildlife habitat and outdoor recreation areas with energy development. Read the results here: https://bit.ly/3ysOW8Y


NEW: Eight-in-ten voters say it is possible for Wyoming to have energy development while also protecting the most sensitive wildlife habitat, forests, open spaces and streams for generations to continue to explore. More results here → https://bit.ly/3ysOW8Y

71% of WY voters believe @BLMNational’s approach to #PublicLands management in Greater Little Mountain has been carefully designed through 10+ years of community input and working with hunters, anglers, & businesses to ensure access will not be affected. More results here: https://bit.ly/3ysOW8Y

NEW POLL: A majority of WY voters – across state regions and party lines – support @BLMNational’s proposal for Greater Little Mountain as the best path forward to conserve our mule deer herds & other wildlife w/o disrupting existing energy development. More results here → https://bit.ly/3ysOW8Y

New polling shows @BLMNational is heading in the right direction on fulfilling a key recommendation of @GovernorGordon’s Rock Springs task force, which called on BLM to conserve Greater Little Mountain’s hunting, fishing, & rec opportunities consistent w/ BLM's multiple use mission.