
The Road Less Traveled

F014 has been avoiding predators, battling harsh winters, and navigating a changing landscape, all so that she can survive, reproduce, and do her part to support this population of mule deer in the Wyoming Range. In April, the fawn that she had been raising for the previous 10 months was killed by a vehicle while she was trying to cross the road. All of this work to raise a fawn--lost in an instant.

Each year, Wyoming sees an average of 6,000 wildlife-vehicle collisions. Wildlife-vehicle collisions are costly for all of us, but it's a clear problem with a clear solution. Wildlife crossing structures like overpasses and underpasses are effective at making our roads safer for people and for wildlife.

Get involved and support wildlife crossing structures whenever you can.

Special thanks to Muley Fanatic Foundation, The WYldlife Fund, Wyoming Game and Fish Department, The Nature Conservancy, and Wyoming Wildlife and Natural Resource Trust, and Wyoming Department of Transportation.

This film features:
Dr. Kevin Monteith, Professor in the Monteith Shop - Haub School of Environment and Natural Resources, University of Wyoming - monteithshop.org
Dr. Corinna Riginos, Director of Science at The Nature Conservancy in Wyoming - https://www.nature.org/en-us/about-us/who-we-are/our-people/corinna-riginos/
Josh Coursey - President, CEO, and co-founder of Muley Fanatic Foundation - muleyfanatic.org
Tayler LaSharr - PhD student in the Monteith Shop - Haub School of Environment and Natural Resources, University of Wyoming - monteithshop.org

Film supported by Muley Fanatic Foundation, the WYldlife Fund, and the Monteith Shop.

Video by Max Benz with 7Nineteen Productions.

BARRIERS | Animals are struggling to migrate, but people can help